Saturday, February 7, 2009

Free 5 Relationship Dating Techniques

"How can I get a date?" This has been an age-old question for single, lonely men and women throughout the ages. And, let's face it - we have all asked ourselves this question at one point or another. Everyone faces a time in their lives when they have trouble hooking up with that right person for a date.
When you are looking for a date, it can feel like everyone but you has someone. And - it may even seem like certain other men or women you know have got some special "something" that makes it easy for them to get dates. The good news is, relationship dating techniques are very learnable, and anyone can do it if you have the right guidance.
Here are 5 relationship dating techniques that will put you in the position to hook up with that desirable somebody in no time:

1. Fish where the fish are:
There is an old saying among fishermen: fish where the fish are. In the world of dating, of course, this translates to: spend time and hang out where the desirable men and women are. This may sound obvious, but many people ignore this advice completely. They spend time alone on Saturday nights with a book, watching favorite TV shows, or surfing the Internet. Of course, that is the safest option for spending Saturday night. Trouble is, it is guaranteed not to net you a date. Instead, spend time where there are a lot of desirable potential mates hanging around. Could a bookstore, could be a bar, could be church - or even a rave. It doesn't matter where you go, just as long as you put yourself where the fish are.
2. Get involved:
If you are like most people, you have settled into a routine that goes something like this: go to work/school, come home, engage in TV/Internet, go to bed . . . [repeat pattern next day]. Chances are you, if you think real hard, you will remember of a few hobbies that you used to love - or that you don't spend enough time doing. The point is: zero in on what these hobbies are - these things you love to do - and find a way to do engage in them that can involve other people. Try online sites like MeetUp to get you away from your computer and in the presence of other who love what you love. Interested people are inherently more attractive than are people stuck in a rut. With just a little effort, you will find yourself in the midst of a bunch of potential mates. And, in the meantime, you will have rekindled your passion for life.
3. Tap friends and family for an introduction:
If you are fortunate enough to have at least one good friend or family member in this world, congratulations, you have a network (if not, revisit #2 above and you soon will). That means that it is highly likely that they know someone (who knows someone, etc.) who is great dating material. So, don't be shy: leverage your personal contacts and ask them for an introduction to someone they think might be a love connection for you. What's the worst that can happen? If you strike out on the blind date(s) they set you up on, you now have some more dating experience under your belt for next time.
4. Get a dog and take it for walks:
As common wisdom dictates, dogs and babies are great conversation starters. That is why it is so easy to meet other people at a dog park if you have a dog, and it's the same reason why mothers find it so easy to hook up with other moms in their area. Try borrowing a friend's dog or signing up to be a part-time professional dog walker. I guarantee that your dog will be a conversation starter. This is a great way to practice your communication skills, and it just might land you a date. (And, if you are a single parent, try joining a parent/child group in your area).
5. Put your most attractive self forward:
Many lonely single people resist putting too much effort into coming across and looking their best. This, of course, is a mistake if you want to get a date. Every time you leave your house, make sure you are clean, smelling good, and wearing clothes that make you look your best. If you are woman, try giving men a little eye contact now and again. If you are a man, project the right balance between cool confidence and humility. Put forth your best side and the best sides of others will be reflected back at you.
A parting thought: some lonely, single people harbor a flawed-but-understandable way of thinking that says, "If I risk and fail I will end up looking and feeling bad, but if I don't try at all I have no chance of failing." This type of thinking leads to inaction, and inaction is the greatest enemy of people looking for a date.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tips To Attract The Relationships You Want

There has been a time in my life when relationships were a source of great discontentment in my life. I worked around negative people. I didn't have a lot of the kinds of friends I wanted. I was in a marriage that was lonely and filled with conflict. Although today all my relationships are not perfect, I feel blessed with the quality of people in my life. Much has changed and I've learned a lot about how to attract the relationships I want in life.
When you think about relationships, our lives are filled with so many. You may have a spouse whom you share your life with. You probably have children who you interact with on a regular basis. No doubt you have a few friends or maybe many friends. You might be a daughter to a mom and dad, a niece to an aunt or uncle, or a sister to one or more siblings. It's possible that you work or volunteer with people everyday. Are your relationships everything you want them to be? Do they nurture you and fill you up or do they drain your energy, leaving you feeling depleted? If you're like most people, you probably have relationships that do a little of both.
Relationships are essential to our survival and well being. God did not create us to go through life alone. Our relationships teach us more about who we are and who we are not. They highlight what we want in life and what we don't want. Relationships challenge us to grow in ways we might not grow on our own. When you think about your own relationships, I want to encourage you to look at ways you might attract more of what you want from your relationships.

Know What You Want
Do you know exactly what you want in a relationship? Is it the same for every kind of relationship you have? Make a list of the criteria you have for a positive or healthy relationship. Your list might look something like this:
" The parties must treat each other with respect
" There needs to be an acceptance and appreciation of each other's differences
" Each person should know how to resolve issues without fighting or arguing
" The relationships should provide an emotional connection
" We should work together in a way that is fair for all parties involved
" We should support and encourage one another
" There needs to be openness and honesty with thoughts and feelings
" We need to be able to laugh and have fun together
Now you can look at each of your relationships and decide if it meets your requirements. If not, you have a starting point for creating what you want. All of us, at any time, have five choices regarding our relationships. We can accept the relationship the way it is and be happy. We can remain a victim to the relationship. We can change the relationship. We can change our perspective of the relationship. We can leave the relationship.
Change Your Beliefs about What You Deserve
If you want the best relationships have to offer, you have to believe you deserve the best. Otherwise, you will settle for less than the best. At your core, what do you believe about relationships and people? Some limiting beliefs might be:
"All marriage partners fight." Most people in corporate America are negative.
" You have to be careful about who you trust.
" Most people are in a relationship for themselves.
" There are no good guys or good gals left - they're all married.
Whatever you believe, you will attract. So start believing what you want is truly possible.
Be Who Your Ideal Is
In my workshops, I tell women that if they want to attract inspiring friends, they must be an inspiring friend. We are energetic human beings, and like energy attracts like energy. The other day a woman shared a story about lunchtime at her place of business. All the co-workers would sit around in the lunchroom eating their lunches. One person would start to complain about the company or her job, and then the next person would chime in. Before you know it, a gripe session had begun. This woman told me that she found herself not being who she wanted to be, and instead joining the negativity with the rest of the crowd. Go back to your criteria for a positive and healthy relationship, and be all of those characteristics in your relationships. You will be a leader and force of change in your own life.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Free Tips to a Happy Relationship

The old saying goes “It takes two to tango” could not be truer today. Relationships survive when two people both pull in the same direction, working together in harmony. A one sided relationship is bound to fail. Sometimes it’s the little things that can make a big difference
1. Make sure the time you spend together is quality time. You can each have your own space, but plan on setting aside some time each week to do things together. Set up some ground rules from the start. make a plan and stick to the plan.
2. Make a compromise at the onset of the relationship, you’ll watch the big game with him on Sunday but he has to watch a movie with you on Saturday night. Stay flexible and offer a little give and take.

3. When you first fall in love, in your own mind, the other person is entirely void of defects. Don’t lose that all important feeling. The same defects will still be there years from now, always remember, the person you originally fell in love with. Don’t try to make them into something that wasn’t there in the beginning.
4. Couples battle over many things during their time together. The biggest argument producer of all is family finances. Rest assured you are not alone in your situation, even millionaires have financial problems. Work out a budget from the onset and stick to it. Build a little family time into it. Popcorn and a movie at home will save a whole lot more money than a trip to the local movie house.
5. Arguments are a part of every relationship, it’s how you handle them that is the key. Name calling can form a lasting hurt and may come back to haunt you. My mate and I resolved years ago to never go to bed angry insuring that we would never wake up angry. Most arguments are petty in nature and can wreak havoc on relationships.
6. Keep the lines of communication open at all times. Don’t just hear what your partner is saying. LISTEN to what is being said. Keep your emotions in check and weigh both side of the argument.
7. Keep your sex life interesting at all times, ask your partner what turns them on. Sex doesn’t have to be the same old boring position all the time. They say variety is the spice of life, and no where is it more important than in the bedroom.
8. Make it a point from the beginning, you need time alone and they in turn get theirs. Relationships can be choked to death by one partner clinging to and not allowing the other a little space of their own. Happy balances can be easily attained.
9. Forgiving a partner for infidelity can be one of the hardest things in life to cope with. Only you will know the amount of emotional hurt that will be involved in your own situation. Only after all avenues have been tested will you be able to make that decision. Trust is broken far to easy, and is extremely hard, but not impossible to gain back.
10. When all attempts at reconciliation have failed, it may be time to seek the help of a professional. Seeking help from others isn’t a sign of weakness and may just show that you both are looking seriously at reconciliation. Face the facts, relationships are tough. It takes total commitment from both parties. If you truly want to achieve a happy relationship it is conceivable and achievable but you must first and foremost truly want it to be successful
These are only my thoughts on keeping a relationship together, garnered from many years of a successful and happy relationship.