Friday, August 15, 2008

What Color Makes You the Most Sexually Attractive?

According to Stephen Juan, Ph.D., an anthropologist at the University of Sydney, there is much behavioral science research showing the most popular skin colour, eye colour, or hair colour in terms of sexual attractiveness. But there is little on what is the most sexually attractive color per se.
Different cultures have different attitudes and preferences in the attribution of qualities of colour and behaviour. For example, “black” is associated with death in European countries. But “white” is associated with death in China and “purple” is associated with death in Brazil.
As for sexual attractiveness, there is
an enormous cultural component in this as well. Gender is another confounding variable. What might be perceived as a highly sexually attractive colour on a woman may not be perceived as such on a man. And what might be a highly sexually attractive colour to a woman may not be so to a man.
Nevertheless, drawing upon various studies from the fields of colour psychology and color therapy, a not-too-scientific ranking of “more” or “less” sexually attractive colors could be constructed from the list below of colors and there supposed attributes. Black: Sophistication, elegance, seduction, mystery, sex, banishment, binding, protection, evil
Blue: Trust, reliability, belonging, coolness, tranquility, peace, calm, wisdom, justice, depression, understanding, patience, loyalty, sincerity, honour
Brown: Earthy, conservative, protective, constructive, hard-working, solid
Copper/Bronze: Love, passion, friendship, sex
Gold: Prestige, expensive, elite, authority
Green: Nature, fresh, cool, growth, abundance, rejuvenation, recovery, healing, harmony,
balance, peace, hope, jealousy, envy
Grey: Neutrality, staleness, depression
Magenta: power, magnetism, spiritual power
Orange: Playfulness, warmth, vibrant, encouragement, luck, kindness, stimulation, optimism, abundance, success, independence, sensual
Pink: Soft, sweet, nurturance, security, tenderness, peace
Purple: Royal, spirituality, dignity, divination, inspiration, meditation, compassion
Red: Passion, energy, excitement, danger, speed,
impulsive action, stimulation, assertiveness, aggression, strength, sex, revolt, war
Silver: Prestige, cold, scientific, stability
Turquoise: Intuitive, insightful, inventive, original, renewal, change
White: Pure, virginal, clean, youthful, mild, peace, truthfulness, enlightenment
Yellow: Warmth, cheer, happiness, vitality, change, progress, clarity, communicativeness, affirmation.
Given the above, red, black, and copper/bronze would seem to head the list of the most sexually attractive colours.
Research shows that colour affects shopping habits. Red-orange, black, and royal blue attracts impulse buyers. Pink, light green, light and navy blue attract tight budget shoppers. Pink, rose, and sky blue attract conformists
Maureen is the author of the book how to win the dating game, “Do you know howto get lucky online?” She does. She didn't always know. It took her several years of watching how other people got lucky and now you can learn it for yourself. You can also visit also her blog Feeling Flirty?Get a Date!, autumnal confessions and Sexy Advice by Maureen. You can also visit the site for her book. for her blog

Why Most Marriages Fail

divorce-and-remarriage-founations.jpgRoughly 50% of all marriages fail and many of those don't even make it past the first year. Understanding why these marriages fail can be key to ensuring that your own marriage does not fail. Some factors that contribute to the failure of a marriage include a lack of communication or poor communication, financial issues and even the circumstances of the marriage. All of these issues can exist in a healthy and enduring marriage but if they are not dealt with properly they can lead to the failure of the marriage. Communication is critical to the success of a marriage. Without proper communication, conflict resolution becomes a difficult issue. If the couple lacks the communication skills necessary to resolve their problems, then even the smallest problems will become insurmountable. Communication allows a relationship to grow and thrive by giving the partners an opportunity to share their dreams, concerns, hopes and desires with each other. Without sharing in this way a couple will not grow as close together as possible. Communication also gives the couple a healthy way to resolve their arguments. If one or both partners lack effective communications skills it becomes difficult to resolve arguments because the couple is not able to understand each other's points of view. If the marriage is already in trouble, both partners in the marriage must be dedicated to working on their communication skills in order to improve or salvage their marriage.
The absence of effective communication techniques can lead to the failure of a marriage.Love may conquer all but sometimes even love isn't enough to save a marriage when there are significant financial concerns. While financial concerns in and of themselves may not be the cause of a failed marriage the tension that financial concerns create is often the culprit in a failed marriage. Financial concerns can be a heavy burden to bear and when a couple is struggling to meet their financial obligations, there can be a tremendous amount of pressure in the relationship. This pressure may be enough to destroy an otherwise healthy marriage. If one of the partners in the marriage becomes obsessed with the marital finances they can begin to neglect other aspects of the marriage.
This neglectful behavior has the affect of making the spouse feel ignored and lonely which can be damaging to a marriage. Often one of the partners will become consumed with the financial affairs and this can be very damaging to a marriage. Even the circumstances surrounding the marriage can lead to its failure. A marriage of convenience is often not a healthy marriage. When the decision to marry is based on something other than true love, it is likely that the marriage will fair. Some examples of marriage circumstances that often lead to failure are getting married because there is a baby on the way or because the couple is feeling pressure to get married by friends and family members.
Neither of these reasons are truly valid reasons for marriage and often leads to divorce. When a couple marries for reasons other than true love the marriage is often doomed before it starts. Marrying too young is another reason why many marriages fail. While the right age to marry varies greatly depending on the person, many people argue that the teens and early twenties are too early to get married. Getting married before you have had a chance to enjoy many of life's experiences can result in resentfulness in the marriage and can be the cause of failure of the marriage.
Another reason why many marriages fail is that society no longer places importance on the institution of marriage. Today it is common for couples to live together and have children without being married. This degeneration of society devalues marriage and results in a higher percentage of failed marriages. With so little value placed on marriage in today's society, couples are not committed to making their marriage work and are often quick to give up on the marriage and each other. Many marriages today are doomed before they even start. Marriage is no longer seen as a necessary step in a relationship so many couples are quick to divorce without making an honest effort to resolve their problems. Communication breakdown, financial difficulties as well as circumstances of the marriage are all problems that can cause many marriages to fail.Here Is A VIDEO & SOME INFO That Might HelpArticle Written By J. Foley

Catch My Husband Cheating on the Internet - Discover the True Today!

Email Spy Software
Are you suspicious that your husband is cheating you online? Are you thinking that he is talk and flirt with other women there? I want to give you some methods that will answer the question "How to catch my husband cheating on internet?".
Emails - You should check his email account. That's the best way to know the true. If you can get in, you will see who he sends emails, who he gets from and more useful information. If you can't access - don't worry, I'll talk about it later.
Favorites - Try to scrabble in the "Favorites" folder. Many people save links to websites they are visiting in the "Favorites" folder (Under the address bar at your internet browser). Check that folder for clues, like online dating services. It's very important to do a comprehensive check, because he can hide these links, so that you won't be able find it.
Email Spy - Monitoring Software Capture Pic
Photos - What the first thing you do when you meet a potential date online? Of course - sending photos each other. I really suggest you to search the hard drive for some photos that he maybe got from other women, maybe he keeps these photos on the computer. You can also use a windows search for this, and look for all the picture files on the PC (don't forget to turn on the "Show hidden files and folders"), it will list you all the photos on the hard drive. After that you can look in these photos to see if he has photos of other women.
Use a key logger program - Key logger it's a nickname for spying software, which is very common among the employers who want to know if their employees are working or they are just having a good time downloading mp3's and watching Youtube videos. There is many key logger software's but the basic things everyone contains is: taking a screen shots every couple of seconds, recording all the keystrokes typed on the keyboard and saving the website history so you can see where he is surfing! There are also key loggers with features like voice recording, incoming email and messages recording and more...That's all I can say about this software's...
It's not going to be easy to catch your husband cheating online if he is smart and knows a lot about computers. That's why I wanted to give you better tips then just to check out the messenger history. Use the "Favorites" and the "Photos" tips to get the proof to your suspicion!
Want to see who he talks to in the messenger? Want to know if he sends hot emails to other women, instead of being with you? Click here to learn more about the key logger software and how it can help you to find out what's really going on there!

How to catch your spouse cheating using free online tool

Is your spouse, boy friend or girl friend cheating? But it is a reality and it could happen. If your spouse is acting strange and receiving weird calls it is a sign that you need to do something instead of wondering whether or not your spouse is cheating on you.
If there are situations when you see your spouse talking to someone you do not know over the phone in a whispering voice and will suddenly end the call when you are around is a very suspicious scenario. You may also find unrecognized suspicious numbers on your spouse cell phone and on your phone bills. Seeing these things, you will get suspicious that your spouse is fooling around and you want to catch your cheating spouse.
It is a 50/50 chance that your spouse is cheating on you or it could also be a false alarm and nothing serious is happening. Even if you ask your spouse about the calls there is no guarantee that you will get an honest answer. Your doubts are still there when your spouse keeps receiving calls and acting strange. It is natural to have doubts and get suspicious and there are tools available for you to catch your cheating spouse.
You may feel helpless not knowing what is going on, but the truth is you can do something to catch your cheating spouse. You may find it unbelievable but now you can access any public information you want to know for any phone number in question and it can help you catch a cheating spouse.
Reverse phone detective makes it possible for you to find out who the owner of the numbers, the address, and other public information about the numbers in question. If your spouse is betraying you, use the search results to catch your cheating spouse. You need to prepare yourself in case you find out shocking information that your spouse is having an affair with an old flame. Or you will be relieved that the calls are just coming from business associates that are only purely business dealings.
You don’t have to be clueless and just let your imagination wonder with what is happening. Reverse phone detective will help you find out the truth and catch your cheating spouse.
End your worries and check any number instantly. No one will ever know about your search and the information will be held strictly confidential. Run your reverse phone detective now and check suspicious phone numbers at Home Detective

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Secrets on How To Get Ex Back - A Comprehensive Review

Are you suffering because of a failed relationship? Do you want to discover the secret on how you can get your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend back? It doesn’t really matter if you think that your relationship is no longer salvageable. There are many relationship techniques that you must never do such as telling them over and over again that you love them or using crazy stunts like jealousy, kids or even money to manipulate your ex into taking you back. If you want to learn the true secrets on getting back, then you must do the correct thing.
Get Ex Back is a powerful technique that you can employ even if your situation seems impossible. You can make it work for you no matter how screwed up you are inside.
In Get Ex Back, it addresses a wide range of issues when it comes to fixing your relationship problems. Get Ex Back teaches you how to feel more confident about yourself by addressing a bunch of relationship related problems that you must identify and change yourself before you proceed. These methods will substantially increase your chances of getting your ex back.
This powerful E-book also contains information on how to follow a clear step by step plan. This plan is crucial because you do not want to jeopardize your relationship with your ex in anyway like apologizing over and over again or promising that you will change, etc. Using lame methods such as arguing over and over again with your ex to give them reasons why they should take you back is just putting more and more strains on the relationship and will even destroy your chances even more! They also teach you not to act so depressed to the point that they will feel so sorry for you and take you back. This does not work at all!
You have to go back to the roots and emphasize on the attraction that initially brought the both of you together. GetEx Back also uncovers the 5 characteristics of a doomed relationship. At the end of the day, you have to do the right thing if you really want to get back together with your ex. For more information on how to get your ex back, visit the Get Ex Back Review right here:

Over Rowing this Boat will Sink your Relationship!

Are you attracting the love that you want from your current relationship or are you trying to control your relationship by over rowing the boat! You know, many of us try and control everything in our lives, and our relationship is no exception. OK, name me one thing in your life right now that can't be changed or whisked away in the blink of an eye! You can't can you? So, why is that we frantically attempt to control our relationship? Does this really give you the love affection and romance that you desire, or is it only making your partner resentful, angry, and more distant? How often do you try to control your relationship by helping or rescuing your partner without being asked to do so? And, how often does it result in an unappreciative slap in the face? If this is the case then you may be over rowing the boat! Ironically, doing too much for your partner sends a signal of desperation and a lack of self-confidence which results in undermining the emotional bonds of your relationship. So, when I state that over rowing the boat will sink your relationship; I am speaking the unequivocal truth!” Frequently, these issues of self-esteem and low confidence are at the root of many failing relationships, and when they are left unchecked end disastrously.
Remember, the whole premise of a relationship is to share your life with someone, not control theirs! Your partner needs to feel good about him or her self. In essence they need to be their own person!! You are in this together, and if they need help or need to be rescued they will ask for it!! So, try and relinquish your control and surrender! The following examples can help guide you in the appropriate direction, but to make these changes on a permanent level you must get to the bottom of restoring your self-esteem and confidence levels.
Don't help unless they ask you to help
Don't offer a solution unless asked for one.
Don't rescue them from a situation unless you are asked to.
Don't do everything for your mate.
Do listen and be understanding
Do some self reflection and learn to completely love yourself.
Do complement your partner in a way that allows them to be the person they are.
Remember, to attract what you want from your partner you must become the very thing you wish to attract!!!
For more information on how to save and transform your relationship subscribe to my free e-Guide “The secret principles to Saving a Relationship”
Save relationship
Best wishes,
David Roppo
”The Relationship Rehab

Can you live a fun marriage too?

Often in our Coaching Practice we hear both wives and husbands saying things like: “I do still love my spouse, but feel that our life is like being trapped” or “I lost my freedom when entering my relation” or even things like: “…our life is not bad but boring…”
The truth is that there are many things that we could do in order to improve our relation with our spouse, and overcoming the feelings that make several marriages in a non-justified way prematurely end.
The key word here is “together”; please take a moment to think about it. How can you make a marriage work and be fun if each one of the spouses is only having fun alone, or worst, with someone else?
In a relationship, it is always worth to continuously ask yourself certain questions:
When was the last time you went out for a romantic dinner, or just hot dogs and a sweet chat? Do you hold hands when at the movies? Can you talk with your partner about something else than money, work and children?
Being romantic has little or nothing to do with expending money; you could make a romantic dinner at home just by adding the touch of candle lights to your everyday meal.
Marriage does not have to be a heavy burden to any of you. You can easily transform it by doing very simple things!!!
Show your affection. This can be done by doing something as simple as holding hands; loving acts of affection bring trust to your couple, they offer the feeling on intimacy and open barriers that were close before. Nonsexual gestures are powerful and show your spouse how much he/she means to you; a small warm kiss on the cheek, rubbing her/his shoulders, making his/hers special dish, etc. and yes, noticing the new hair style counts too !!! Make a habit to show your spouse how much you care.
Let go your emotional baggage. Stop holding your emotions and keeping them inside; try sharing them with your spouse in the best possible way. Many of the couples that come to me for coaching have the same issue: lack of communication. You may have probably heard about this before, but it is truly on top of the agenda on most couples I consult with. Years of keeping inside those small or big uncomfortable feelings, thoughts they never shared for different reasons, attitudes that irritate them but never mentioned, etc... One day they just can not take it anymore and explode over a simple gesture. Why letting things go so far? Learn how to share and how to accept different points of view that make you unique and special. Share your feelings and fears, start talking again about your dreams and goals; again: talking about the kids, bills to pay and fighting does not count. Just a simple occasional talk.
Have fun with your spouse. Recent studies show the importance of making time to have fun together. This is the second major issue between my clients, they just can not find time to have fun together, but when they look a little bit harder... they normally find extra time for them and their spouses just to have fun and relax !!
Sharon Jayson reports in a USA Today article that "research from the University of Denver supports the idea that finding moments to be together free of financial, family or other stresses -- just to have fun together -- is not an indulgence. "The more you invest in fun and friendship and being there for your partner, the happier the relationship will get over time," says Howard Markman, a psychologist who co-directs the university's Center for Marital and Family Studies.
"The correlation between fun and marital happiness is high, and significant ... Thomas Bradbury, who co-directs the Marriage and Family Development Laboratory and Relationship Institute at the University of California-Los Angeles, believes having fun together can become a self-fulfilling prophecy for couples: "People in happy relationships generate these activities, and as they generate these activities, it keeps their relationship strong and healthy and fresh."
Sex should not be seen as a marathon. Many couples still believe that if they do not have sexual intercourse everyday their marriage is in trouble. Are you part of them? Of course sex is an important part of a couple’s life and must not be underestimated, however, there is not such a thing as the 'ideal' amount of sex during the week to have a healthy marriage, it all depends on many factors, even differs between seasons; what is true is that for every couple this works differently. Take the time to enjoy and make your spouse feel loved and not just a to-do on your list of daily errands.
Time alone. - to be back together- Have you ever heard or said the phrase “I need some space” ? It does not have to be taken negatively; it just means that you need time for yourself. As you take time to relax from work, school, kids, etc... You also need time to be with yourself and evaluate things from far. Take it as a positive experience and do not feel guilty about it, it might just give you more energy to devote to your love ones later on. Vanetta Chapman writes in Christianity Today wrote: "One way to avoid that trap of exhaustion is to allow each other some time alone." I am not talking about taking a month vacation! just an occasional time out for some individual activities such as golf, tennis, a drink with a friend, gardening, etc. may do. Then your appreciation of the time you will spend with your partner will certainly increase.
I could go on and on with many different ideas to renew your marriage, my experience working with couples has given me the tools to bring them out from being stuck in a “boring” marriage into flying in their “happy couple”. Take your marriage to the next step; make love a priority and not just a word, if your marriage fails it might bring heavy consequences for you and the rest of your family. You have the power to refresh it, renew it, re-build it !!!

Treatment Of Overseas Relationships

Will the UK recognise partnership schemes for same-sex couples that exist across Europe and beyond?
Same-sex couples who form certain "overseas relationships", that is certain legal relationships registered under the law of another country or territory, will automatically be treated as having formed a civil partnership and will not need to register in the UK as well, so long as they and their overseas relationship meets the requirements set out in the Civil Partnership Act.
These include requirements that the overseas relationship is either (a) one of the specified relationships listed in Schedule 20 to the Act, or (b) a relationship that meets the "general conditions" contained in section 214.
The list of specified relationships in Schedule 20 currently contains:
• Belgium cohabitation légale (statutory cohabitation)
• Belgium marriage
• Canada: Nova Scotia domestic partnership
• Canada: Quebec civil union
• Denmark partnerskab (registered partnership)
• Finland rekisteröity parisuhde (registered partnership)
• France pacte civile de solidarité (civil solidarity pact)
• Germany Lebenspartnerschaft (life partnership)
• Iceland staðfesta samvist (confirmed cohabitation)
• Netherlands geregistreerde partnerschap (registered partnership)
• Netherlands marriage
• Norway partnerskap (registered partnership)
• Sweden registrerat partnerskap (registered partnership)
• United States of America: Vermont civil union
New relationships will be added to Schedule 20 as more countries or territories bring in gay marriage or civil partnership schemes. Recent developments include civil union legislation in New Zealand and Connecticut (USA). In Spain, a government backed gay marriage bill passed through the lower house of Parliament on 21 April 2005, and now goes before the Senate. These and any other new overseas schemes will now be considered for inclusion in Schedule 20.
What if my partner and I have registered a relationship that isn’t one of the ones listed in Schedule 20? Does this mean that we won’t be treated as civil partners?
Not necessarily. If the overseas relationship meets the “general conditions” in section 214 it would be capable of being treated as a civil partnership, so long as the other relevant requirements of Chapter 2 of Part 5 of the Act are also met.
In order for an overseas relationship to meet the general conditions it must, under the law of the country or territory in which it was formed, be exclusive in nature (in other words the law must prevent a person from registering a relationship where they are already in a relationship of that kind or are lawfully married); be indeterminate in duration (this would exclude an arrangement whereby the parties agreed to live together for a fixed period of time); and result in the parties being treated as a couple or treated as married (this would exclude schemes like some local registers which have no legal effects under the law of that country or territory).
Where two people have registered an overseas relationship which is specified in Schedule 20 or meets these general conditions, they will be treated as having formed a civil partnership if they meet the other requirements which can be found in section 212 and sections 215 to 218 of the Act.
Can my partner and I form a civil partnership in the UK even if we’ve already formed an overseas relationship that would be recognised in the UK?
It will not be necessary to form a civil partnership in the UK if your existing overseas partner is treated as a civil partner.

Top 10 What's HOT and NOT for Romance

10. Candles and soft music are hot; dirty laundry and clutter are not.
9. A playful wink or smile is hot; a grumpy person looking back at you is not.
8. A fun romantic game is very hot; talking about bills and kids is definitely not.
7. Learning about each other can get pretty hot; talking about past relationships in not.
6. Dinner for two on the deck, hot; dinner for two at a fast food restaurant, not.
5. Sipping on wine from beautiful wine glasses is hot; sipping on wine from paper cups is not.
4. The smell of lavender and vanilla will make things hot; some stink you can’t identity is surely not.
3. A sensual back rub or massage is very hot, going around and around the same spot is not.
2. New lingerie is sexy hot; worn out undies is definitely not.
1. Dressing to impress is always hot; dressing like you’re going to go dig holes is always a not.
So, are you HOT or NOT when it comes to romance? Sometime romance comes easy for us and other times we wonder what we did wrong. This list is funny, but very true. Can you see yourself or a friend doing the NOT.
OK, next time you want a little romance, pull out this list and see if you are being HOT or NOT. If the answer is NOT, maybe you should rethink what you are doing. Take a little more time to prepare. If the answer is HOT, good for you! You’re on the right track to a HOT Romance.

Life is a Mirror

Think about this: I’m a boisterous person and I’m over the top. A woman who is shy and quiet might be intrigued by me, but the thought of hanging out with me for longer than ten minutes would probably drive her nuts. She wouldn’t want to do it because I’m way too hyperactive and crazy.
But for you, as someone who is shy – which many people are – you’re going to attract another person who is shy. You, as a shy person, are not going to approach a Type A woman, because she will intimidate the hell out of you. You’re not ready for that.
But what you are ready for is women who have mannerisms like you; women who are quiet like you. You have to find yourself.
And a lot of women are like that – I would say at least 70% of women are shy, so you have a lot of women to choose from! If you start talking to the women that are also shy, you’ll realize that when you think your heart is beating a million beats per minute and she can see it through your shirt, it’s not! When you feel your lip quivering when you try to smile, she’s feeling the exact same way!
You both are basically mirror reflections of each other. If you keep that in mind, and realize that this woman that you’re attempting to talk to right now is as equally as shy as you, you’re going to realize how much you have in common.
You could even say to her – and I’ve told guys this often – if you’re talking to a woman in a coffee shop, you could say to her, “man, it’s so nice talking to you, I never really talk to people in public.”
You can say the things that are on your mind, and she’ll respond, “oh my god, I’m the same way! I feel the same way!” So don’t be so afraid to let yourself out. You’ll start gradually increasing your confidence, and the women you start attracting will be gradually more and more confident.
This is not to say that the women that are shy and not yet that confident are not amazing – because you’re a good guy, you’d be a great boyfriend in a relationship – probably much better than me. You’d be more loyal, more loving, and more appreciative – just because you’ve struggled more with this thing.
You don’t have the bigger-better mentality that I’ve had – where I think, hey, she’s hot, but I could go get hotter. You’ll be more like, she’s really cool, I really like her, and she’s sweet.
And remember what we talked about – when you’re the good guy (which many of us are) you need to make sure you read up on sex and kick ass in bed, and this woman is going to be thinking, I’ve got the best guy in the world! She’ll think you’re a bad boy, just because you’re good in bed.
So realize that everything is a reflection. You’re attracted to a certain type of woman that is just like you. We all are.
Patrick: You’ll also find that the whole mirror thing works both ways. Not only when you are nervous, she’s nervous too, but if you are calm, even if she was nervous, you’re inducing her to be calm with you. Your presence can make everyone around you come down to earth too.
David: Yeah, do you remember when I said that you have a very calming presence? When you let go and you smile, you are really engaging and warm. When you were smiling at the clothing store and on the beach, you were so calm. People feel safe and comfortable around you.
As I told you, one of your tasks is to download the Jason story in your Blackberry. Every time you see a woman and you get nervous, just read it. You heard the analogy we were talking about earlier – if you’re ever nervous in any type of social situation, just download the Jason story from American Airlines and read it. Then you’ll realize that you could have spent the weekend with a guy who was lying naked across three seats on an American Airlines flight!
That last part may have confused some of you. Google naked guy on an American Airlines flight and have a good laugh.

Fix Your Relationship, Get Your Ex Back

Don't you want to know the answer? Why is our relationship failing? Why can't things work? Why is this happening to me? Why can't I stop thinking about him/her? Why? Why? There are a thousand questions that are going through your head. Well I want to let you know, there are answers. So take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds *Deep Breath In 5...4...3...2...1... and out* Alright, hopefully that helped you feel a little better. You are not alone in this situation, the fact of the matter is break ups, divorces and all around couples fighting are increasing. Depending on what side of the fight, divorce, break up or argument you are on, depends on how you feel and see things. You are probably hurt, and gosh darn it you have a right to be! Yet you need to see both sides to get your relationship working again, which can be hard but with the right help it can be done in some easy to follow steps.
There is no quick fix, and do not be fooled if there is someone that says there is. There are ways to start making it better quickly but no 100% fix right away. I am sure you have heard the saying "Time heals all wounds" it might sound cliche but don't you feel as if you need some time to think? You need time, they need time, however time is also one of the obstacles of trying to get back together after a break up. Wait too long, they think you don't care anymore. Go in too fast, and it makes you look desperate and at fault. There are quite a few ways to give yourself, and your significant other time without a set amount but both of you will be accepting when one reaches out for the other.
One thing that I can not stress enough, is that you will be okay! It might not feel like it right now, but with or without them you will be okay. Although I want you to be happy again WITH them. There are many different kinds of "breaks" and "break ups" and it is hard no matter which one it is. Feeling alone, helpless, scared, sad, tired, angry, all of the emotions rolled into one giant tangled ball. Well lets untangle that ball and deal with your emotions first. Again, just take a deep breath in, hold it and let it out.... okay now let it out. You might think I am stupid for doing the deep breaths. Maybe you have even been told to do that before. However in my experience... IT HELPS! And if you don't feel like doing them, hey that is alright, it is your choice, you're in control here.
A problem with some of the advice you can get online is that they tell you what to do. Well don't you also need to know what NOT to do? Yes you do, it is just as important as what to do. Some things you might not even think about but are important. Such as not texting or instant messaging as your means to talk about the problem during the fight. Or not calling them 100 times giving them 100 different angry, sad or frustrated voice mails. You need to make a plan of action on how to take care of the situation. Sounds kind of weird, but it is true. Most important decisions, especially in a business you need to make a step by step program on how you are going to get what you need and take care of it. Yet you are probably distraught during the fight, so wouldn't you want someone else to show you the steps to take and you can just follow them? Of course, at least that is what I would want so it would be easier on me. I have used a few eBooks that are available online. Some free, some are not.
There are thousands that you can choose from that can help you. But some of them don't help you and just want your money... they don't truly care about helping you feel better. I have found and used one that has helped me and many of my friends with their difficult break ups and 90% of the time it would help me or my friends get back with their ex. Don't you want to get back with your ex, so you can go back to calling them your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Just go through a break up? Divorce? Feel hopeless? All hope is not lost! Get instant relief from the pain of the break up with a proven and used plan to get your ex back! Get your free information at